Posts Tagged ‘collage’

scavenger hunt


Connecticut-based artist Amy Eisenfeld Genser layers, rolls, and cuts paper to make these beautiful paper collages over her painted surfaces. It is evident that patterns in nature influence Genser, considering for example the beehive layout of the paper elements and the organic qualities of the compositions. I love the flow of the paper and color schemes within […]



Swedish artist George Chamoun made these digital collages by overlapping images of classic icons with popular icons of today. By no means was this a quick process! He did not alter the images at all, so finding the right portraits with a compatible angle and expression required a lot of sifting.  I like the organic […]

filthy rautten


Kathryn Macnaughton is a Toronto-based artist. Her process is quirky, witty even, as she appropriates slightly pornographic imagery in drawing/collage work with various objects, shapes, and soft colors. The result is both impressive and funny in an almost-absurd kind of way. I got a kick out of her work, anyway. Several of these images were […]

around a frame


Berlin-based artist Monja Gentschow has compiled a pleasantly impulsive collection of sketches, photographs, watercolour, and notes. Here are a few examples. I am especially fond of the wall arrangement. via.

Abigail Reynolds cuts and folds vintage bookplates to create her series of images, Universal Now. I enjoy the visual play of the geometric sections of color mixed with the 3-d elements of the folds.

Amy Borrell has impressed me to bits with this project, a book handsewn compiled with photographs, documents, letters and other evidence of memories. I suggest clicking the above link for more examples, but here are a few images to communicate the basic idea.