Posts Tagged ‘black&white’

this place


These delightfully eerie photos are by St. Petersburg artist, Alexey Titarenko, from his series on St. Petersburg (1991-2009). Extended exposures have blurred – sometimes down to a ghostly presence – the figures within the frame. I love this effect in this context because the half-presence reminds us that history exists within the landscape..and how people […]

Check out these pen drawings by Moni Lewandowski. Her use of line is expressive while staying true to the rendition of the figures, whether they be animal or human. I love all of the designs in the backgrounds, hair, and clothing… via. images via.  

Artist/ illustrator Anna Higgie has many intriguing projects on her website, but I found this commissioned project for a Berlin nightclub, Crush, in 2008 to be particularly blog-worthy. This is namely because I like seeing a good site-specific installation…and I also am comforted knowing that an artist can get paid to make kick-ass drawings in […]

Russian illustrator Vaslij Godzh uses many thin black lines in his drawings…many, many lines. Easy to get lost in. Enjoy.

First, here are two pieces I love for Zak Smith’s use of various patterns and heavy emphasis on line: Here is a link to see one of Zak Smith’s projects ‘One Hundred Girls & One Hundred Octopuses.’ 100 images together <–this also will guide you to his gallery, where I got the examples.