Archive for February, 2011



Artaksiniya is a Russian-born artist/illustrator based in China. The following images are from her blog, and they are from a series of drawn figures with an emphasis on fashion and other material elements, as the color in these areas indicates. Formally, I like how she applies color to the gray-scale drawings; conceptually this seems to […]



I have posted several examples of unconventional materials used to create works before, but this is my first example involving clothing. Margarita Mileva is a Bulgarian architect who has made good looking clothing out of rubberbands, in addition to the whole architecture thing. found first image here.    

bear suit


More people,love people. Denise Nestor creates portraits of people with a sense of familiarity and lightness and also bunny symbols. and a bear suit. found here then also at trendland.

I love the way Anthony Cudahy portrays people in his work, realistically rendered yet not hiding the presence of his hand.  Some of his works are derivative of novels, like Milan Kundera’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, one of my favorite books. The following images are from a project titled ‘i understand nothing.’ From an […]

folded paper


Matt Shlian is a paper engineer…came across some of his stuff here. Look at those folds!



Here are images of paintings by Ana Teresa Fernandez, from her series Ablution. The oil paintings serve as stills from performances that involved submerging the body at various sites. found out about Fernandez here, but the images are from her website.

The title is the name of Michael Borreman’s recent show at Zeno X Gallery in Belgium, where I collected a few of the following images. They are paintings, seemingly delicate subject matter that quickly seems more eerie…but in an elegant way. Found out about Mr. Borreman from this blog.

I love the way that Doug Dubois takes photographs that seem so real, so relate-able. They demand a similar kind of respect I feel for drawings or paintings of such painstakingly honest images, and for that, they serve as a great inspiration to me. Here are some examples of his work from google images and […]

I just came across Vik Munis’s fairly recent project, Wasteland, and I had to share. A native to Brazil, Munis wanted to use his artistic practice to give more power to the people in his home country working in one of the largest open-air dumps in Latin America – Jardim Gramacho. So, he committed two […]

Amy Borrell has impressed me to bits with this project, a book handsewn compiled with photographs, documents, letters and other evidence of memories. I suggest clicking the above link for more examples, but here are a few images to communicate the basic idea.